Список собранных видов из экспедиции в Бразилию 2011 (BIF BR11/.. )
с 10 по 18 февраля 2011 года
участники:Dalton Nielsen, Geraldo Hollanders, Didier Pillet, Stefano Valdesalici, Giuseppe Amato и Roberto Cazzulani.
на 2-х машинах, по 3700 км.
Поездка по бразильским штатам:Mato Grosso do Sul(MS), Mato Grosso(MT) и Goias(GO)
Значение кода: вид, ближайшее место(город,дорога и т.п.), BIF(гражданства участников команды:Бразилия,Италия,Франция), BR(Бразилии), год сбора - 11,
далее точки вылова 01, 02 и так далее.
Trigonectes balzanii Miranda BIF BR11/01
Trigonectes balzanii Miranda BIF BR11/02
Pterolebias longipinnis Miranda BIF BR11/02
Pterolebias longipinnis Cuiab? BIF BR11/03
Pterolebias longipinnis Pocone BIF BR11/04
Plesiolebias glaucopterus Pocone BIF BR11/04
Pterolebias phasianus Pocone BIF BR11/04
Trigonectes balzanii Pocone BIF BR11/04
Rivulus dapazi Sonora BIF BR11/05
Rivulus sp 7 Alto Garcas BIF BR11/06
Simpsonichthys cholopterix MT-481 BIF BR 11/07
Rivulus litteratus MT-481 BIF BR 11/07
Simponichthys parallelus Rio Jacuba II BIF BR 11/08
Rivulus aff. formosensis Rio Jacuba II BIF BR 11/08
Simpsonichthys nigromaculatus Rio da Prata - Chapad?o do C?u BIF BR11/09
Rivulus scalaris Rio da Prata - Chapad?o do C?u BIF BR11/09
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Интересно как они из Бразилии всё это вывозили...
А кто сказал, что они вывозили? Среди них местные были. Может у них и оставили? А список рыбы потрясный! Дернуть бы из него Plesiolebias glaucopterus....
7 килли нам под футом!
ну как то вывозят, не икру же везут.
Хайко Блехер за шутки с вывозом рыбы из Бразилии посидел немножко в местной тюрьме.
Точек вылова провда маловато для 3700 км.
Не ошибается тот, кто не работает
Вот эти отъявленные ребята не могли не забрать образцов... - Didier Pillet и Giuseppe Amato
Они их под шпроты замаскировали.
Не ошибается тот, кто не работает
он не показатель.
скажите что это за прелесть???? http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/5817/img3616ex.jpg
похож на Simpsonichthys nigromaculatus
Очень похож, вот только почему то без характерного черного пятна.
7 килли нам под футом!
значит Simpsonichthys parallelus.
Спорно. Без анализв мочи не обойтись!
7 килли нам под футом!
судя по описанию Simpsonichthys nigromaculatus(http://www.pfeil-verlag.de/04biol/pdf/ief18_3_02.pdf), S.nigromaculatus, S.parallelus и S. cholopteryx близкие по окраске виды. А описал Wilson J.E.M.Costa ....
Just place it into breathable bags and them put it into luggage.
It's a risky businness anyway
HET! They are here in Europe. Personally I bring back only Rivulus and some cichlids. we thought was Apistogramma but now are revealing Crenicichla sp.
from Rio Paraguay basin.
Simponichthys parallelus
Ok I'm sorry to give you some answer without introduce myself properly.
My name is Roberto Cazzulani and I was one of the member of the expedition.
As scretary of AIK (Italian Killifish Association) I glad to meet you all.
Killi fancies are few around the world but I'm more than happy to see that there are also there.
My congratulations for your job.
It would be nice to have a more detailed report about this expedition and impressive collection of wild SA fish. You probably can post it in English here and somebody will translate for others.
Appreciate your help.
Ok I agree with you.
I can give you more details. Please excuse me if isn't a full article but soon will be published or lectured in our (AIK) bulletin/convention (May 21-22).
This not my first trip in Brazil. The prevuous one (2008) was labeled NPCE and there are still around some species of this collection. (see Kiril Kardashev, Didier Pillet and Ricardo Antonio from Portugal on Aquabid).
Last time we start from Sao Paulo and go north driving until Brasilia and go back to Sao Paulo.
This is extremely time consuming. Think on 6-8 hours of drive and 1-2 for fishing.
This time (and hopefully next time) we try another approach. Instead of drive we take a flight to reach the nearest airport to fish game zone and rent a car. (flight are cheap enough, rent a car not much but we survived)
We had plan to visist the Pantanal and then go north coasting it and trying for some species (like Moema sp). So after land in Sao Paulo we take a flight to Campo Grande (MS - Mato Grosso do Sul).
Once there we dive to Bonito that is a natural reserve and we take some diving in the Rio Baia Bonita and Rio Sucuri. There is not possible to fish of course.
We leave Bonito and take the Miranda direction. Near Miranda we caught Pt longipinnis and balazanii. Then the team was divided in two. I, Dalton and Giuseppe take a trail while Didier, Stefano and Geraldo takes the main road. Our road was really bad (too much water and mud) so we drive back to the main one (BR 163). No way to fish only drive.
In the night we arrive in Rondonopolis. The other team had time to fish a nice Rivulus near Sonora (see species list).
The next step was Cuiab? where we think to find something inside the city but the pool was almost dry (and dirty too).
So we drive to Pocone where there is a really big pool. In the same pool we found 4 species but could be present even more. The main problem tehra was the that the flooded area was really big so find fish was really uneasy. We try also with net (see photo). Ples. glaucopterus was caught exclusively near the the pool banks in the submerged vegetation.
We was not able to bring back glaucop. By an accident all males dies (broken bags).
We had intention to got futher northward but unfortunately Dalton must leave so we decided to turn easr and reach Tocantins basin.
Her we try more or less the same places and this time we was lucky enough to reach cholopterix. In the same place we collect also Riv. aff. formosensis (very young unfortunately).
Please forgive me for my poor english and 'spasibo' for your kind attention.
That's all for now. Poka
Roberto :BRAVO:, thank you for a story about the trip.
Roberto! Thanks for the info! Do not leave us and come to a summit in Odessa! :YAHOO:
7 килли нам под футом!
Thanks for the report , how the collected fish is going now?
It could be great and spasibo for the offer but unfortunately there are many problems.
In the same dates we'll have another meeting near Varese. It's not a killishow but we participate anyway as AIK and the nearest memeber is me.
The previuos week take place the DKG meeting. I don't know yet if I'll go in Germany but is a possibility. Almost surely I'll attend the KCF convention later in the year.
Last but not least How could I tell to my wife that I'll be out once more after so many weekend spent away? I'm sure that all killiekeepers are aware of the problem, at least the married ones :''( :''(
They are doing fine. On my side I keep only Rivulus.
Actually I'm trying to convince them to lay some eggs but still I'm not so lucky.
Despite the use of almost pure RO water, Terminalia catappa, and almond leaf a lot of java moss , mops, dissolved iron in water, and water changes still they don't lay.
I think there is a temperature problem. I keep them without any heater and the water temp is around 21 °C I think too low. On the R.sp 7 tank I add and heater rising the temp to 24 °C but is not enough. The location water temp was 28 °C.
Lucky enough here temperatures are rising: now daytime we reach 20 °C and this will help with all my tanks /container.
If everything fails last hope is give them an example , I'm jocking of course
:-[ @}->-- :DRINK: %) :HELP:
7 килли нам под футом!
Хорошо, а теперь по Русски.
Не ошибается тот, кто не работает